Getting braces is a significant transition for children and teenagers. Adjusting to new habits, rules about what you can and cannot eat, and being concerned about what your friends or classmates might say can be difficult. Braces, on the other hand, are not the end of the world; they are the beginning of a brighter one with a wonderful smile waiting. Here are some tips to help your child get ready for braces:
Discuss your options with them
As a parent, you may have questions about treatment options with your orthodontist, but your child may have many more. Making a list of questions for the orthodontist is a great way to involve them. When there are fewer unanswered questions, there is less anxiety and worry.
Describe the Procedures to them
It’s natural for your child to be worried about the big day. While braces application takes time, it is a simple procedure. Talking about the steps ahead of time with your child can put them at ease. The brackets are first glued on, followed by the connecting wire and the elastic bands wrapped around the brackets. Your child can even choose the band colors!
Soft foods are the best
For the first few days, your child’s teeth will most likely be sore. Hard or crunchy foods should be avoided! Softer or liquid foods, such as pasta, mashed potatoes, and soup, are ideal. Colder foods, such as yogurt and ice cream, are also beneficial because the cold sensation helps to relieve pain.
Help Them Change Their Cleaning Habits
Brushing and flossing are more difficult with braces. Food loves to hide in any small space it can find, so maintaining good cleaning habits is critical. A good place to start is with an electric toothbrush, and there are special brushes that can reach underneath the wires and brackets. Floss picks can also be used to reach those hard-to-reach back teeth and keep fingers from being pricked by wires or brackets.
Your Orthodontic Wax Is Your Enemy
Brackets are often to blame for irritation or sores on the insides of the lips. Back teeth wires poking into the cheeks or lips is another common issue. Orthodontic wax (also known as braces wax) is a quick fix. Simply roll the wax between your fingers (it’s very soft) and apply it to anything that is rubbing or poking. Your orthodontist will usually provide it for free.
Concentrate on the Goods
Braces can be physically painful, but they can also make your child feel self-conscious. Classmates may tease or mock them, so remind your child that the majority of their classmates wear, have worn, or will wear braces at some point in their lives. For your child, wearing braces for a year or two may seem interminable, and he or she may become impatient or frustrated with them. Encourage them to think about how much better their teeth will look once their braces are removed. Braces are only for a short time; a beautiful smile lasts forever.